You can manage email frequency under Credit Control > Settings
Reminder templates
& grouped reminders
Reminder templates 1 through 5 are enabled as default - each :
Any reminder template can be disabled by unticking ‘Enable this template’:
If your customer is due to receive Reminder emails for two or more invoices on the same day (i.e. multiple invoices fall X days late on the same day), then instead of sending multiple separate Reminders, Satago will send one Grouped Reminder to the customer. By default, Grouped Reminders are switched ON.
Grouped Thank You emails work in the same way as Grouped Reminders, except that Grouped Thank You emails will still be sent on the same day as a Statement.
Sending Schedules
By default, emails are sent Monday to Friday, however you could instruct the system to only send emails on a Monday - this would mean a reminder that is techincally due on a Thursday, the system will delay its reminder until Monday. If a customer is due reminders throughout the week relating to different invoices, the system will send a grouped reminder on the Monday (if grouped reminders are enabled).
Click the pencil icon to edit the schedule.