Managing Satago Notifications
Notifications allow you to be alerted when certain actions or events happen with your customers. Notifications can alert you via several mechanisms, including via in-app messages and/or emails.
Once you have logged in to Satago, look at the top right corner of the page and you will either see ‘No new notifications’ or a number of new notifications waiting for you. By default, you will also receive an email from Satago when each new notification occurs. Clicking on the number of notifications at the top right corner of the page will take you to the list of notifications that are currently available. Once you have clicked on a notification or the link from your email it will be marked as read.
Click on Notifications at the top right corner and then hit Settings. The options show all the different kinds of notifications you can receive and how you will be alerted when each new notification is triggered. The settings can be:
Record: Each new notification will increase the count of ?new notifications? within the Satago application
Record and notify by email: Each new notification will be sent to you as an email in addition to the in-app notification as above
Mute: Each new notification will be ignored ? there will be no increase to the counter, no email, and the notifications for this category will not be shown in the notification list
We also send some compulsory notifications to your email address - one of these is the email which redirects you to your Outbox where you can make changes to the reminders being sent the following morning. The other is the out of sync message which describes that we were prevented from sending your scheduled reminders due to a failed import.
More notification categories are being added all the time, it is best to check the notification options page for the current list. Here are the definitions of them:
Customer comments: Triggered when the recipient of a Reminder (your customer) makes a comment by email or by visiting the customer invoice page from the invoice link in the email reminder
Colleague comments: Triggered when another user in your organisation makes a comment by email or by visiting the in-app invoice or customer page
Internal notes: Triggered when another user in your organisation leaves an internal note
Matched Customers' credit: Triggered when one of your matched customers changes credit score band, or their DBT or credit score starts trending negatively
Credit limit breaches: Triggered when a matched customer owes you more than their credit limit
Overdue invoices: Triggered when an invoices becomes overdue
Eligible for finance: Triggered when you have new invoices eligible for finance
Invoice disputes: Triggered when a customer disputes an invoice
Payment promises: Triggered when a customer indicates a date they will be making the payment