How do I match my customers?

How do I match my customers?

Once you have matched your company, you'll want to ensure the system helps you keep tabs on your customer's credit ratings. The system will run through your customer list to automatically match your customers to our companies? database. However, depending on whether the name within your accounting package matches the legal entity name, there may be customers the system is unable to match.

For any customers that the system was unable to match, you just need to click on the 'Unmatched Customers' section of the task board.

You will then be able to search for your customers who haven't been matched using the dropdown on the right-hand side of the unmatched company?s name.

You can search using the company name, or the company registration number.

Once you've found the company, select it, and the system will automatically update the matching for you. Doing this will unlock the customer's credit profile.

For any customers that you cannot match, for example if they're a soletrader or outside of the UK, you can use the individual or unmatchable option. This will remove them from the 'Unmatched Customers' section of your taskboard.

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