How to send an instant statement to a customer

How to send an instant statement to a customer

If your customer has requested a statement, you can easily send one to your customer in a few simply steps.

Firsly you will need to find your customer in Satago by using the search option at the top of the page (magnifying glass icon) or you can find the customer within Accounts > Customers.

Once you have clicked on your customer, click on the Options tab to the right on the customer's profile.

Then click 'Prepare a statement':

You will be taken to a template for the email statement, which you can leave as it is, or you can amend if needed. When you are happy with the template, click on the 'Preview & Send' tab:

If you are happy with the preview of the email, click 'Send Email Statement Now'

If you need to make further amendments, click back onto the Write tab

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