FAQ - SMS Reminders

FAQ - SMS Reminders

Introducing the Satago’s SMS Reminder Service

With our innovative SMS reminder service, you can effortlessly keep your clients informed about overdue invoices through timely text message notifications. This service is designed to enhance communication, ensuring that your clients never miss a payment deadline. By sending automated reminders directly to their mobile phones, you can improve cash flow by getting paid more quickly.

Following the steps below you can setup SMS reminders.

Setting up SMS reminders

When on the Satago task board select Credit Control > Settings > Additional Settings tab. Under the SMS Settings section, you can enable SMS reminders and set the sender name [E.g. Company Name]. Please note that SMS reminders can only be sent when invoice payment is overdue.

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Creating Templates

Let’s say you wanted to add in SMS messages to Reminder 4 in your Email Templates:

Under Credit Control > Go into Settings > Reminder Emails > Reminder 4

  • To send SMS reminders, first enable it for that Reminder.



  • You can use the default SMS template provided or create a bespoke one with a max of 160 characters.

  • Each template can have up to 3 customisable snippets



  • For bespoke templates, if the message contains more than 160 characters, the box will be highlighted in red and a warning displayed about excess characters. Once the template is amended to contain max. 160 characters, click the ‘Save’ button to save your message template.

  • Once the changes are saved and the SMS configuration is saved. The SMS will be sent with the reminders, aligned with reminder schedule.

Reminder Status and Preview


Once the SMS configuration is saved, you can preview the SMS reminders.

  1. When on the Satago Portal > Under Credit control section > Sent - you can see the status of your SMS reminders.

    1. The reminders are categorised under [Created, Sent and Failed]

The reminder column won’t be visible for client organisations with feature disabled. You can also use the filter toggle on the top right to show only the reminders sent with SMS. 

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  1. To view a copy of the SMS sent, click on ‘view email reminder’ from the ‘Status’ column for the specific company related reminder

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In the pop-up window, select SMS to view the reminder preview.

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Inclusive Allowance on SMS Reminders

To view the Allowance and Usage of SMS reminders:

  1. When on the Satago Portal > Go to the Admin section > Organisation > Billing tab 

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  1. You can also view this information under Credit control section > Settings > Additional Settings


Once you have used all your SMS credit, they will receive a notification with an invitation to add credit. This information would also be available in the sections mentioned above.

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And it will created a notification that the user can access through ‘new notifications’ on the top right of their taskboard

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If needed, you can also purchase additional SMS reminders. Select ‘Buy More SMS Credits’ to view the different package options available for your user profile and provide payment details to continue (if not saved to profile)

  • The updated SMS package and number of unused credits will be visible under Credit control section > Settings > Additional Settings

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The details of the additional SMS purchase will be visible under the Admin section > Organisation > Billing tab 

  • You can also change your subscription plan on this page

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